by admin | Apr 30, 2014 | Blog, Blogroll
“Each person is born with an unencumbered spot, free of expectation and regret, free of ambition and embarrassment, free of fear and worry; an umbilical spot of grace where we were each first touched by God. It is this spot of grace that issues peace. Psychologists...
by admin | Apr 25, 2014 | News, Recent News
Mini Retreat for you – Angel Affirmations to Nourish Your Beautiful Soul: via @YouTube — angeltwreets (@angeltwreets) April 22, 2014
by admin | Apr 25, 2014 | Blog, Blogroll
Well, I have to say, I’m finding that it is definitely going, just like the other months this year, they just seem to peep in and then they’re gone. They’re not hanging around. But I suppose when you think of it that’s what we’re all...
by admin | Apr 22, 2014 | Blog, Blogroll
Angel Affirmations to nourish your beautiful soul