Trauma Release


Compassionate Way

Release & Set yourself Free from the Energetic Imprint & lifetime impact of Trauma

Self Care is Soul Care

Healing deep rooted Trauma is best done at the level of energy. 


Because Trauma leaves an imprint on our energy system, on our soul. I see it as almost like the stamp the farmer puts of the animals to make them as his own. These imprints can send us off on a whole new experience of the world. It can even cause us to feel seperate from the world as everyone else sees it. I see this imprint now as creating a  cut off world, but one that feels ‘real’ to us. 

How does the Trauma Imprint impact our life?

We live from the Beliefs we form as a result of the Trauma.

Those Beliefs are fear based.

They get locked into your energy system like a bubble.

Our Beliefs make up our sense of the world and our sense of ourselves.

They shape our thoughts about ourselves – they begin to form our identity.

Often that identity is more negative than positive.

Often filled with Shame.

Shame keeps us in hiding – that’s its nature. 

We cover up …

and often the cover up becomes an Addiction.

The cover up shows itself in many forms – but it does it at a high cost to you.

Your true energy is still there with you…waiting for you to hear it and set it free.

All addiction is a cover up – All addiction is a misalignment of your true energy – the truth of who you are.

So if this is resonating with you then you know you are in the right place to learn more about how you can finally Release & Set yourself Free from the Energetic Imprint & lifetime impact of Trauma.

Here you will be provided with insights and opportunities to:

release you from negative self limiting beliefs & destructive patterns,

so that you can

reconnect with your true essence and begin to live the life want…..

Embrace the life you desire, live the fulfilled life you’ve always wanted,

free from fears, traumas, and future uncertainties.


  Some of the Common Symptoms of Trauma Imprint

– You feel overwhelmed – sometimes with the simplest thing
– Easily distracted & fall into procrastation

– Worry, Fear, Guilt & sometimes Shame are your constant companion

– You’re currently struggling in many areas of your lives

Not know what you want for yourself 

-Lose yourself caring for others 

You know its time to say goodbye to all those energy drains and sabotage patterns you’ve been experiencing in your life.

Like Michelangelo’s David – we will uncover your masterpiece – YOU!

All that you have to lose all that is NOT YOU. 

Book a FREE Session

Meet Mary

Hi I’m Mary, creator of Angelwhispers. I am Counsellor and Hypnotherapist.

My background is in Theology and Spirituality and I have been studying and working in the field of Personal and Spiritual Development for over 25yrs. The essence of my work and studies has evolved into the core belief that all healing, on all levels, is based on our ability & willingness to self-care.

Self Care is Soul Care

Deep Healing happens on an energtic level.

This will create an energy shift in you that is literally feels like the differernce between livng a hell of earth to now livng in the Energy Of Heaven On Earth.


Yes I believe in Miracles !!!

Hi, I'm Mary.

Click the link to learn more


One-on-one Session

Working One – on One is a wonderful gift to yourself.

Together, in a private and confidential setting we will explore what is going on for you now. We will uncover hidden patterns that have been unconsciously blocking you.

You will learn  what true alignment is. Grow in Self Mastery as you begin to master your emotions & recognise what brings your vibration up and what brings it down. And lot more.



Retreats by the Sea


You get to have a retreat by the sea where you can fully relax & release the effects of trauma, negativity, and embrace stillness, calmness, and clarity. You’ll be refreshed and energized again, being prepared to live the best version of yourself. 


The essence of all Retreats is Self Compassion – Self Care – Self  Value and Self Appreciation.

Online Retreat


Our Online Retreats vary in length from half- day to full day retreats. Occasionally we offer a retreat over 6 weeks – 2 hrs on a particular day each week for the 6 weeks.

The purpose of All Retreats is to Empower you to Decide on and Create the life you Adore.


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