Angels are God’s messengers  Their purpose is to communicate God’s compassionate love for us and to remind us that we are made in the image and likeness of our Creator.

They hold the light of who we are for us and remind us that we are here for a purpose. We are here to shine our light in the darkness.

They remind us that we have the ability to harness the energy of creation to create miracles and to even create heaven on earth.

All angels are at our service but we each have our own Guardian Angel who walks with you as closely as your shadow.

To strengthen the line of communication we need to develop a relationship with God and the angels just as you would with a person in the physical would. You need to contact them – speak to them and ask for whatever specific help you need.

Just like any relationship we need to remember to say thanks now and again and to offer our help too where we can.

Here on earth we have entered the era of communication and connection. ( Throat Chakra) We have what you and I are connected with now even thought we cant see each other or haven’t meet yet, but we are connected and communicating here. We have mobile phones and mobile everything. Communicating has got so easy – staying in touch has got so easy.

Well, it has always been easy to stay in touch and connect with heaven!

You have a direct line. It goes from your heart to God’s heart! Your Pulse to God’s pulse!

If you’re finding it difficult to connect then you may just need a little help – your line may have got clogged up or disconnected through your believe in “conditioned love.” This means that you are dialing in to “but I’m not good enough” and the line is blocked and what you perceive as the “message” is your own thoughts echoed back to you instead.

Just call on your angels to show you how to get unblocked and to heal your sense of unworthiness. They love to do that and they will.

We are endowed with the gifts of the Spirit, and the “greatest of these is Love”.

Each person has a specific mission and carries a specific light love frequency reflecting an aspect of God.

What is your light colour- have you given it a name yet?

Just as each person has a unique thumbprint, each person has his or her own unique gift – unique mission – unique calling

Here I refer to it as Your Soul Signature.

Allow Heaven to guide you and to reveal to you your most precious gift that you have come to express – the world needs this.

” I have no hands or feet but yours”

What is the Divine wanting to express through your body, your hands, your heart, your voice, your feet?

What a beautiful question to ponder!

Don’t forget to journal to gather up your sacred message.Touched by an angel

 Call me if you need help or guidance


 00353 (0)861733963

 More on Angel Therapy

  Click here to download Angel notes slides

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