What is HypnoTherapy?
HypnoTherapy is a most gentle and easy way to access the mind for the purpose of eliminating unnecessary suffering through the power of Hypnosis. It uses the imagination to easily heal deep rooted issue. These can be old wounds and hurts, addictions and phobias and traumas. Healing happens when the mind is gently introduced to an alternative and more loving perspective of the self.
How does it work?
You will have time to have ask questions. Would you believe that hypnosis is as simply as a purposeful conversation. all conversation has the same goal – to communicate and to be persuasive and influential, and sometimes to convince. This is the same with hypnosis. One of the things I am fascinated about with hypnosis is it shows the power of words and language. Words are the keys! These are the only tools necessary for effective hypnosis. These along with the skills of the hypnotherapist and the genuine healing intention for the person.
How do I Choose a Hypnotherapist?
1. You need to find a skilled and experienced therapist, one that you trust. Do some research – ask for recommendations. Have an initial chat with the person ( Hypnotherapist)
2. Once you are happy that you have found someone you trust – get clear on what the problem is and what you want to get from working with this person. Make an appointment.
3. In the initial session the Therapist will ask some questions to gather information about your specific issue and how it is impacting on your life.
4. You will have time to have your questions answered and you will be reassured and the process of hypnosis explained.
5. You will simply be invited to get comfortable … to relax…allow your eyes….as the therapist guides you through the process combining the information that you have given her/him along with their skills in effectively managing and directing the process with your specific outcome in mind. You are in control all through this process and unlike stage hypnosis – you can open you’re eyes when you chose – or you may chose to keep them closed and follow the process to enabling the full resolution of your problem.
6. You will be gently re orientated and brought back to the room, fully relaxed, alert and fully awake in the here and now. HypnoTherapy is a very easy and comfortable process where you have nothing to do but relax. How much better can it get – you open your eyes at the end of a session and your problem is shifted or totally disappeared.
What can it help with?
Hypnosis is especially effective in releasing anxiety and worry. It can help release addictions associated with food, alcohol, phobias, and can enhances confidence and new learning skills. It is so beautiful you will be pleasantly surprised – you’ll love it!
What is Self Hypnosis?
All Hypnosis is self hypnosis. Many people have a fear of hypnosis which often stems from watching stage hypnoists, or pictures of an old man with a beard swinging a watch where the person just falls under his spell! It is a deep state of relaxation and concentration, which you can choice to come out of at any stage of the process. In this sense all hypnosis is self hypnosis. The Hypnotherapist can do nothing without your full cooperation and willingness to participate. You can’t be ‘put under’ hypnosis.
The benefits of hypnosis.
The initial and immediate benefit is the depth of relaxation that you will feel. It will bring about a level of relaxation that you may never have experienced before in your life. I would describe it as one of the best self care tools that is naturally available once you have experienced hypnosis. I say this because the experience of hypnosis is both healing and therapeutic, and is at the same time a lesson in how to self hypnotise yourself. You will find that self hypnosis is easy and it’s natural. The most effective and main benefit of having a trained hypnotist fuide you is that the skilled hypnotherapist can quickly get to the root cause of the problem, with your willingness to permanently release it. It is now a well known fact that “The mind can make either a heaven or a hell out of the very same circumstances.” Much of our suffering is created in the mind through our perceptions, our imaginings and projections. Our early childhood fears and anxiety are imprinted in our minds and can cause us much pain throughout our life.
Our imagination gives us an amazing power that may be used for good or ill. Hypnotherapy is the effective use of the faculty of imagination for the health and wellbeing of the person. A bonus of Hypnosis is that you will learn so much about yourself. Through the process you will gain amazing self management tools that you yourself will easily be able to use when most needed. Hypnosis is not a one time event where the therapist fixes you – it creates exceptional healing and is a lifelong self management skill that you will easily pick up. It benefits are amazing and with no side effects :-
- it can be the cause of deep relaxation
- lower blood pressure
- release painful back ache
- releasing life restricting habits and phobias
- releasing addictions
- weight issues
- smoking
- Excessive drinking.
- Release negative patterns and emotions and so freeing up more energy to create better relationships.
- Enhance Creativity
You will learn Life Changing Techniques to release all the hidden “gunk” that is literally weighing you down.
If you would like more information – give me a call or send an email to mary@angelwhispers.ie
Call 0861733963
Sessions can also be conducted over skype
You deserve to be free of the issues and burdens that you have been dragging around with you now for so long! Be good to you.