Are You Harnessing The Energy of Manifestation?
There really is an energy of newness in the air at this new magical time. It’s time to do some clearing out – inner and outer. Setting some clear intentions, writing down to ground them and even have fun creating your vision boards. Keep pens and journals close by you – maybe beside the bed. Keep vision board where you can see it daily.
A vision board is a visual reminder of what you want to have and experience in your life. A visual of your vision and dreams. It is the first step in making your thoughts dreams and ideas a reality. Its like if you wanted to build a house. You have an idea of what you want in your head. The architect takes your ideas and creates a blueprint of what that house will look like. Your vision board is the blueprint. The magic of the blueprint is that it has now already begun…the next step is about to unfold. You now have a plan like contaniner that takes on a magic of its own and gives the energy a place to fill.
IN creating your vision board, your blueprint, you are are sending clear direct messages to you unconsious mind – you are communitcating clear unambiguous messagea about what you want. The subconsious mind works with these directions and without you even being aware ( unconsious) it sets about bringing them into your reality. (It also works so well with images. Think of how you dream in images!! )There is a part of the brain called teh RAS. This is what uncosciously goes to work. If you put a picture Blue BMW on your vision board – chances are you will see Blue BMWs more regularly than you thought was possible. That’s because up until now you hadn’t seen them. The mind selects what has meaning to us or what we BELIEVE is in our world. It’s good to have your vision board placed somewhere you will see it frequent.
The main thing is make it fun. Create a vision board with any type of hardboard – cork board or magnetic board by collecting images that spark you from magazines and post them together on the board. Or now you can create a digital vision board ( I include some links and resources). You can use Pinterest (I love Pinterest) or other online programmes to create your own digital vision board. Its easy and a bit of fun – the key is to be playful and feel the feelings and the excitment as if it has already happened.
some ideas of what to include on your vision board as well.
- health goals (food, exercise, water, mindset Spirituality)
- financial goals (money in the bank, debts paid – include a certain date)
- Key Relationships /friends who support me
- Travels Places want to experiences
- Styles of clothes, toys, or other fun things you want some day
- Houses, cars, laptops..Pens Journals Books
- Celebs you want to meet
- Causes you want to help- see how you are helping ( see, feel, smell the scene get into the picture in as much detail asyou can)
- Career changes and directions to that will enhance your personal development
Pinterest is one fun way to create a digital vision board. You can have vision boards for various aspects of your life and then create one big vision board/poster and get it printed out. The you’ll have it where you’ll see it.
Creating a digital vision board and then printing it out is a fun and effective way to begin to attract the life you want to create. Whether you choose to use old magazines or digital images, a Vision Board is a fun way to motivate yourself into action. Enjoy and share your vision board with us on our facebook page.