Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
stage 3 the begining of a new relationship with outselves, the world and God. It leads us to Inner Freedom. It does this by:-
(a) it is revealing of how we treat ourselves. And how we treat others and how we treat ourselves is how we allow others to treat us too. We get it all mirrored back to us.
(b) It is revealing of the God we believe in ( or don’t believe in) We project onto God ( Universe Scource …whatever you relate to ) So If we are judgemental of ourselves – we will relate or not to a god who is judgemental of us, and the world.
When we learn self compassion (and for most of us it is a learning – a lifelong class ) we grow in compassion for others – and for the world. And guess what – when we change on the inside it all changes on the outside too. Because, we teach the world how to treat us by how we treat ourselves.
Journey Ongoing